BABESCH Byvanck lecture

Held for the first time in 2007, the BABESCH Byvanck Lecture is the result of a generous donation from the bequest of the late Lily Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford, who has for many years been the driving force of our periodical BABESCH (formerly Bulletin Antieke Beschaving). The foundation set up in her name aims to further the scholarship of Mediterranean Archaeology and the quality of the publications and the events organized by the BABESCH Foundation aimed at the wider public. The annual BABESCH Byvanck Lecture is held in the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, The Netherlands.


The next BABESCH Byvanck lecture will take place on Tuesday 20 May 2025, as always in the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden. Details and the link to register can be found on the webpage of the 18th BABESCH Byvanck Lecture.

Previous BABESCH Byvanck Lectures

Lecture 17, held on Tuesday, April 23rd 2024
Barbara Borg The true burial site of Peter and Paul? Christians and Jews on the Appian Way

Lecture 16, held on Tuesday April, 18th 2023
Patrick Michel Digital Safeguarding of the Baalshamin Temple in Palmyra: A Project of the University of Lausanne

Lecture 15, held on Tuesday, May 25th 2022
Tamar Hodos Eggstraordinary Objects: Ostrich Eggs as Luxury Items in the Ancient Mediterranean

Lecture 14, held on December 1st 2020
Caroline Vout Beyond Classical Art: A Lecture on the Diversity of Greek and Roman Sculpture

Lecture 13, held on November 26th 2019
Gilbert Wiplinger De Aquaeductu Urbis Ephesi – Water for Roman Ephesus

Lecture 12, held on December 4th 2018
Eric M. Moormann The Impact of Winckelmann on Europe

Lecture 11, held on November 28th 2017
R. J. A. Wilson Dining with the dead in early Byzantine Sicily: excavations at Punta Secca near Ragusa

Lecture 10, held on November 29th 2016
Guy D. R. Sanders Recent Finds from Ancient Corinth: How Little Things Make Big Differences

Lecture 9, held on December 15th 2015
Olga Palagia The Impact of Alexander the Great on the Arts of Greece

Lecture 8, held on November 25th 2014
Lawrence Stager Rites of Spring in the Carthaginian Tophet

Lecture 7, held on November 19th 2013
Susan Alcock What to do with a Wonder of the World: The Puzzle of Jordan

Lecture 6, held on November 20th 2012
Dyfri Williams Up Close and Personal: A New View of the Parthenon’s East Pediment

Lecture 5, held on November 1st 2011
Maria Bonghi Jovino The Archaic Temples of the Etruscans

Lecture 4, held on November 16th 2010
Andrew Wallace-Hadrill Herculaneum: Living with Catastrophe

Lecture 3, held on November 24th 2009
Cemal Pulak The Uluburun Shipwreck and Late Bronze Age Maritime Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean

Lecture 2, held on December 15th 2008
Simon Keay Rediscovering Portus: The Port of Imperial Rome Lecture 1, held on October 26th 2007

Lecture 1, held on October 26th 2007
Alexandros Mazarakis Ainian Inside the Adyton of a Greek Temple: Excavations at Kythnos