The eighteenth Byvanck lecture

Tuesday, May 20th, 2024, at 19:30 CET (doors open at 19:00) at the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden

Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Marlowe

Normalizing Loot: A Case Study of a Plundered Imperial Shrine

Imperial statue probably from Bubon, Turkey; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (© Steven Zucker)

This talk will discuss a corpus of dozens of life-size bronze statues of Roman emperors and empresses that were looted in the 1960s at Bubon, an unexcavated site in southern Turkey, and ended up in collections across the U.S. What was this site originally? What was lost in the process of their looting? Why –and how– are some museums resisting efforts to return these statues to Turkey today?

Elizabeth Marlowe

Elizabeth Marlowe studied Art History and Classics as an undergraduate and earned her Ph.D in ancient art history at Columbia University. She is the author of several articles about Constantinian monuments in the city of Rome and Shaky Ground: Context, Connoisseurship, and the History of Roman Art (2013). Her most recent publications offer critical perspectives on museum labels, the ‘Elgin Marbles’, and a group of statues looted from Turkey and their display in American museums. She teaches at Colgate University (New York), where she is the Chair of the Art Department as well as the founder and director of the Program in Museum Studies.

Dr. Benjamin Rous (University of Amsterdam) will introduce the lecture and give the opportunity for questions and discussion afterwards.

About the Byvanck Lecture

Held for the first time in 2007, the Byvanck Lecture is the result of a generous donation from the bequest of the late Lily Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford, who has for many years been the driving force of our periodical BABESCH (formerly Bulletin Antieke Beschaving). The foundation set up in her name aims to further the scholarship of Archaeology and the quality of the publication she held so dear – in other words for the past to have a future, and so continue her work.

The BABESCH Byvanck Lecture is organised in conjunction with the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities.

Admission is free but registration is required via this link: