BABESCH Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology, formerly known as Bulletin Antieke Beschaving since 1926, is an international peer-reviewed A-journal. The aim is to provide a forum for archaeologists whose research and fieldwork focus on Mediterranean archeology in general. BABESCH publishes original research papers, short notes of wider archaeological significance and book reviews. BABESCH is open to contributors from all countries and allows articles in English, French, German and Italian. BABESCH is distributed worldwide and has individual and institutional subscribers in more than 30 countries.
Current issue – Volume 99 (2024)

BABESCH Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology Volume 99 (2024)
Mattia Maturo Nuovi dati dalla necropoli di Fornaci di Capua. Continuità e innovazione
nelle sepolture di epoca orientalizzante
Olaf Dörrer Das Gründungsdatum von Karthago im aktuellen chronologischen Diskurs. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Zeitansätzen Martin Trachsels für die Späte Früheisenzeit
Fabio Donnici, Antonio Pecci The indigenous necropolis of Sant’Antonio abate (Ferrandina, Italy). Topography and material culture of a 7th century BC buffer zone site in ancient Lucania
Filippo Trotta Due rhyta sovraddipinti da Ginosa (Ta)
Paolo Brocato Tra vecchi e nuovi scavi nell’insediamento del Timpone della Motta (Francavilla Marittima, CS-IT)
Elia T. Schnaible Bemerkungen zum Stifter des Philippeion in Olympia
Dominic Vallières, Fleurice Parat, Pierre Rochette, Maxime Scrinzi, and Paul Antoni Highlighting the role of artillery from Massalia. Archaeometric study of basalt catapult balls discovered in Mediterranean Gaul (Late 3rd – 1st century BC)
Luca Polidoro La produzione di tessere musive litiche e fittili nell’impero Romano: tracce archeologiche in Italia e nelle province occidentali
Dominika W. Kaszubska Tapetenmuster nella pittura parietale vesuviana
Winner of the BABESCH Byvanck Award 2024
Kaylee Branse Dedicating to the Emperor. Epigraphic display of collective identity and belonging
Thibault Girard Héraclès et la sphinx dans l’iconographie antique et moderne. Compositions, postures et significations
Past issues – Volumes 60-98 (1985-2023)
Instructions to authors
Editorial board
Prof. Dr. Eric M. Moormann
editor in chief
editorinchief (at)
Radboud Institute for Culture and History
Dr. Miko Flohr
deputy editor in chief
m.flohr (at)
Leiden University
Since 2023
Drs. Beatrice De Fraiture
editorial secretary
contact (at)
Since 2019
Dr. Paul Beliën
p.belien (at)
National Numismatic Collection
Since 2013
Prof. Dr. Marijke Gnade
m.gnade (at)
University of Amsterdam
Since 2008
Dr. Nathalie De Haan
nathalie.dehaan (at)
Radboud Institute for Culture and History
Since 2016
Dr. Geralda Jurriaans-Helle
geraldahelle (at)
independent research (former Allard Pierson Museum)
Since 2014
Prof. dr. Julian Richard
Université de Namur
Since 2024
Dr. Dimitri van Limbergen
dimitri.vanlimbergen (at)
Universiteit Gent
Since 2024
Dr. Elon Heymans
e.d.heymans (at)
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Since 2024
Subscriptions and back issues
BABESCH is published annually by Peeters Publishers
ISSN 0165-9367 E-ISSN 1783-1369
Peeters Publishers
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Tel. + 32 (0) 16 23 51 70 / Fax + 32 (0) 16 22 85 00
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